Here are some tips to have a great class at Pilates Rockhampton.
- Make yourself a priority! Book your class early and be punctual. If you schedule Pilates early and prioritise it, your body will thank you. Taking care of your health and well-being is important. Therefore, if you rarely cancel a lunch date with friends, you should rarely miss a Pilates class that you enjoy and know is an efficient and effective total body workout.
- Wear comfortable clothes that stretch and allow you to achieve full range of motion during the exercises. Simple clothes without zippers and buttons will ensure you’re comfortable and your clothes won’t catch on the equipment. Expect to lie on your stomach, side, and back at times, so the freedom to move helps.
- Eat a light snack before class and stay hydrated. Pilates is known for being a mind and body workout. If you tend to feel light-headed during harder workouts, something light and nutritious will help you manage your energy levels throughout the class and keep you focused.
- Prioritise form! Your dedicated Pilates instructor wants to see quality over quantity. They’ll explain and offer modifications throughout every exercise. Pilates is a non-competitive form of exercise, so you can take the time to do 10 well-executed reps with appropriate resistance that encourages correct muscle recruitment, instead of 20+ rushed reps with poor form and incorrect resistance. The good form, good posture, and good muscle recruitment learned at Pilates will follow through to good behaviours throughout your everyday movements and sports.
- Know your limitations and be patient with yourself as you work up to more difficult exercises. As your strength and technique improve, you’ll see progress and results. This may mean more reps before you need to rest, adjustments to springs, or variations that are more dynamic and challenging. The results of your hard work are worth it. Muscle tone, better posture, and better mobility are just a few of the changes you will notice.
- Inform the instructor of any injuries or exercise concerns at the beginning of class. They’re there to help you look, feel, and move better. We want you to feel accomplished at the end of every class even if, from time to time, there are limitations that we need to work through.